Задание 31
В4 has been measured B5 earliest B6 existence B7 is
used B8 first B9 installed B10 its
Задание 32
B4 is believed B5 have been brought B6 keeping B7
begins B8 is found B9 later B10 would know
Задание 33
B4 have been B5 To
help B6 Those B7 first B8 is considered B9 are valued B10 more prosperous
Задание 34
B4 fifth B5 nation's B6 were taking B7 themselves
B8 to tie B9 were considered B10 would benefit
Задание 35
B4 to be B5 run B6 driving B7 The more sensibly B8
smoothly B9 find B10 owner's Задание 36
B4 our B5 dog's B6 yourself B7 to stay B8 less
mysterious B9 threatened B10 to be left
Задание 37
B4 was sent B5 to have been B6 deep B7 have gone B8
to allow B9 later B10 bachelor's
Задание 38
B4 women's B5 based B6 left B7 was granted B8 chose
B9 had held B10 unanimously
Задание 39
B4 famous B5 officially B6 comprises B7 was begun
B8 have been crowned B9 its B10 Poets'
Задание 40
B4 worst B5 baker's B6 thirds B7 Driven B8 had
blown B9 was brought B10 led
Задание 41
B11 politician B12 editor B13 daily B14 journalism
B15 unprecedented B16 steadily
Задание 42
B11 economic В12 circulation B13 investments B14 influence
BI5 cruelties B16 declared
Задание 43
B11 populous B12 extending B13 diverse B14 economy
B15 variety B16 farther
Задание 44
B11 location B12 historical B13 movement B14
distinctive B15 Diversity B16 rapidly
Задание 45
B11 agricultural B12 economy B13 employment B14
handful B15 growth B16 Asian
Задание 46
B11 mainly B12 expression B13 religious B14
generally B15 vital B16 transportation
Задание 47
B11 conquest B12 Spaniards B13 origin B14 descend
B15 foundations B16 complexity
Задание 48
B11 brought B12 integral В13 celebration В14 participate B15
procession B16 witches
Задание 49
B11 northwestern B12 densely B13 exploited B14
extensive B15 Dutchmen B16 significance
Задание 50
B11 inhabitants B12 composition B13 ancestry B14
descent B15 Southern B16 diversity
Задание 51
B11 proud B12 poverty B13 unemployment B14 orphans
B15 practically В16 originates
Задание 52
B11 demonstrators B12 shortly B12 opposing B14
careful B15 organizers В16 peaceful
Задание 53
B11 legislative B12 executive B13 judicial B14
numerous В15 residential B16 Dutch
Задание 54
B11 numerous B12 movable B13 annually B14separated
B15 rarely B16 significant
Задание 55
B11 naval B12 formerly B13 according B14 erected
B15 architect B16 borders
Задание 56
B11 authorities B12 assistance B13 public B14
subsidy B15 circulate B16 misery
Задание 57
B11 compared B12 highly B13 consequently B14
employment B15 suitable B16 profitable
Задание 58
B11 consumed B12 creating B13 devastating B14
darkened B15 extinction B16 frequency
Задание 59
B11 particularly B12 presence B13 constantly B14
thick B15 manned B16 disintegrate
Задание 60
B11 majority B12 sponsorship B13 availability B14
assembly B15 growth B16 subsequent
Задание 61
B11 historical B12 leading B13 permanent B14 daily
B15 heavily B16 significance
Задание 62
B11 incorrectly B12 descendents B13 tolerance B14
skillful B15 conveniences B16 geometric
Задание 63
B11 autonomy B12 governed B13 freedoms B14
authority B15 ceremonial B16 answerable
Задание 64
B11 humanity B12 exhibit B13 advancement B14
abilities B15 enrich B16 heritage
Задание 65
B11 finance B12 density B13 extensive B14 richness
B15 various B16 founded
Задание 66
B11 legal В12 citizens В13 governors В14 registration В15 privacy В16 helpful
Задание 67
B11 possesses B12 curved B13 neighbourhoods B14
Danes B15 cyclists B16 creativity
Задание 68
B11 settled B12 creation B13 architect B14 numerous
B15 nightly B16 famous
Задание 69